Tag: accuracy

As-built content related to measurements, precision and scale.

House plans - Caldas Works home renovation drawings

House plans shouldn’t be drawn by architects. Avoid this costly mistake

May 9, 2021

Need site plans fast? Why pay high hourly wages and wait upwards of a month for availability? Instead, hire a dedicated as-built survey company to draw your house plans. Related articles When you should hire a survey company vs an architect? When you need drawings of existing conditions (as-built or site plan), hire Caldas Works… Continue reading House plans shouldn’t be drawn by architects. Avoid this costly mistake

This old house, has no floor plans - Caldas Works as built

This old house, has no floor plan

May 6, 2021

If your charming, long-lived home has no existing floor plans, the logical next step as a homeowner is the as-built drawing. Does your home have a chimney inside a closet? Perhaps there’s a door that opens to a wall? Maybe the bathroom is a little too close to the kitchen? If any of these home… Continue reading This old house, has no floor plan

Caldas Works - As-built survey resources

As-built customer resources

Caldas Works takes the guess work out of as-built surveys. We share tips and insights with you. Additionally, we realize there’s a need for residential customers to find the right answers related to house plans. We hope this blog helps you better understand the as-built process overall and can be an ongoing resource for you.